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🔢 The Rentier Calculator

Will you ever be a rentier?

The calculator determines if you can become a rentier, at what age, and for how long, based on your investments, their returns, and your expenses.
⚠️ Caution, you will have nothing left at the age of 69 ans.

Your age: Your current age
After tax salary: Your salary or earnings after all taxes paid. If you are a freelancer, enter your earnings after all taxes and social security contributions paid.
Yearly expenses
during work period: The total amount of all your expenses in a year during your working years: rent, housing, insurance, vacations, leisure activities...
Number of years of work: How many years do you want to work before becoming a rentier?
Pension amount: Your annual pension after taxes, which includes your retirement and potentially your life insurance contracts if you opt for an annuity.
Age of pension payments: The age at which you start receiving your pension.
🏠 Rent Yearly rent in retirement period
🩺 Health insurance Health insurance yearly premium
💕 Women cost Yearly women cost : massage++, escort, wife
🍽️ Restaurant Yearly women cost : massage++, escort, wife
✈️ Transport Annual transportation budget: airplane, train, taxi
❓ others Autres - yearly cost
Yearly expenses
Amount invested initially: The amount currently invested. This includes all types of investments: rental property, stocks, crowdfunding, p2p lending, crypto...
Net Yield: The average net return of all your investments, after taxes.
Initial rescue savings: The amount of cash you keep and do not invest. This amount can be used in case of unforeseen circumstances.
Target rescue savings: The maximum amount of cash you wish to retain and not invest. This amount can be used in case of unforeseen circumstances.
indexed on inflation?
Inflation: The average inflation rate that applies to your expenses over the period. The idea is to vary this inflation rate to see the impact on your rentier project.
Excptional loss: A divorce, a serious illness, can lead to significant loss at an advanced age.
Exceptional Loss amount
at the age of age when the exceptional loss occurs
Exceptional profit: Amount of exceptional gain like an inhertiance
Amount of exceptional gain like an inhertiance
at the age of age when the gain occurs

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