Free The Slave
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Data Protection Policy

Our Personal Data Protection Policy, which applies whether we act as Data Controller or Processor, as these terms are defined in the GDPR, may evolve depending on legislative and regulatory developments and their interpretation by the courts and by the CNIL.

Purposes of collecting your personal data

When the user downloads a free resource, only the email is collected. When the user purchases a course via PayPal or Stripe, their first name, last name, email, and phone number are collected. This data is necessary for us to:
manage our relationship and, notably, implement the Services, various features of the Site, and manage your user account inform you of any event-related activities we may organize and that may interest you offer additional services specifically designed for our Users by our partners ensure the proper functioning and continuous improvement of our communication in terms of quality and customer satisfaction ensure compliance with the general terms of use of the Site and the security of the Services and prevent and address security breaches.


Data Processing is, in accordance with the Regulation, exclusively carried out within the territory of a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA) or in countries with regulatory protection deemed adequate, i.e., offering a level of protection equivalent to the European level. Our Processing Register is kept and regularly updated.

Use of user data

Rest assured that we are committed not to sell, transfer, trade, or otherwise share your Data, except with your express prior consent. At the end of their retention period, data is deleted, irreversibly anonymized, or archived, as appropriate, in accordance with the Regulation.

Use of cookies

We do not use cookies except possibly Google Analytics, which is enabled on the site.

Right of access and rectification

To modify, rectify, or delete your data, please send an email to the publication manager defined in the legal notices.

Last Updates

Last updated: December 14, 2022

Legal Notice
Terms of Use
Data Protection Policy